../../fileadmin/user upload/LD Didactic/Bilder/Produkte Loesungen/CASSY/Ueberarbeitung 2022/CASSYAPP Web Start

You want your students to experiment together
on their own tablets?

Use the new CASSY.App Web.

Up to 4 students can connect to a Mobile-CASSY 2 WiFi simultaneously. The CASSY.App Web does not need to be installed on the devices because it runs as a web app in the browser.

And it's as simple as this:

1.)  Call up CASSY.App Web at https://cassy.app

2.)  Enter PIN of the Mobile-CASSY 2 WiFi

3.)  Start measurement

We would like to show you the new CASSY.App Web for the Mobile-CASSY 2 WiFi using two samples from physics and chemistry:

../../fileadmin/user upload/LD Didactic/Bilder/Produkte Loesungen/CASSY/Ueberarbeitung 2022/EN CASSY-App-Web Beispiele Chemie
../../fileadmin/user upload/LD Didactic/Bilder/Produkte Loesungen/CASSY/Ueberarbeitung 2022/EN CASSY-App-Web Beispiele Physik